Tuesday, 19 March 2013


Feijoada Portuguesa
After returning to UK, I have stayed in Kent for two days then somehow we all (Ed&Co) decided that we should all go up North for Christmas. That was almost 7/8 hours drive?! And I remember it was the 20th December while we were on the road, joking about if we will be still on the road when the 2012 apocalypse reaches us at 12AM.. Haha! While I was spending my first week of holiday there, it was just chilling out with friends, cooking and watching movies. Random road trips in North, random visit at Valdos university's library, Christmas shopping for our Portuguese meal, Christmas sale at Manchester... Good times. Its always the simple things that matters.

Hot Pot
I returned to Northampton in my second week. Definitely made the wrong choice to return on the 27th of December! Everybody tries to get around with trains as its the first working day after Christmas. It was so busy that I had to stand with my three heavy bags of luggage on the way for over an hour, it a cramped little space with all these people, never again. And I almost missed my changing train as... I'm just clueless about directions plus the delays occurred that day had made all the trains in the wrong places. Never trust me with my directions.

Returning to Ntown, means good yummy home cooked food by Michaels parents, it feels like home when I return in Macau. I love home cooked food. Also being in a familiar places makes u feel happier too, like meeting up with old friends... :) 

 I didn't realise how much I've missed everything. I feel so sad returning!    
Half way now...

That's it for now, Keep carry on.


  1. Ahah thank you :) im slowly getting back on track :P

  2. "Cool post!
    Much love,
    "Loved this blog post <3
